Design is the contrast of the core of limitations therefore there are no boundaries. It is simply an interpretation of creativity.

Armtrix Enterprise

Armtrix pride ourselves on providing the highest class of tasteful gifts for the business executive, engraved executive business gifts for a corporate theme.


Because of ongoing and potential loss of their sea-ice habitat resulting from climate change, polar bears were listed as a threatened species.


I deserve recognition for the things I do. Feel free to follow me on Twitter to get to know me more.


I've been designing for them for quite some time and have also experienced most of their services and I have to say that I am highly satisfied.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Nature's Origin Spa & Salon Normal Rates Flyer

Company: Nature's Origin Spa & Salon
Reference: Precious R. Benemerito

Designer: Pauline Cheong Siew Yin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5

Friday 22 February 2013

Nature's Origin Spa & Salon Advertisement

Designer: Pauline Cheong Siew Yin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Theme: Nature

This will be used for one of the banners of my blog. I simply love it!

Nature's Origin Spa & Salon Facebook Banner

Company: Nature's Origin Spa & Salon
Reference: Precious R. Benemerito

Designer: Pauline Cheong Siew Yin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Phone Number: (673) 8176976

This design shows the salon's logo which was also designed by yours truly along with the services offered at the salon.

Nature's Origin Spa & Salon Friday Prayers Poster

Company: Nature's Origin Spa & Salon
Reference: Precious R. Benemerito

Designer: Pauline Cheong Siew Yin
Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5
Phone Number: (673) 8176976

This design was made to the customers of the salon to announce the new rule that the salon will be closed from 12NOON to 2PM for every Friday due to the Friday Muslim Prayers.

Thursday 14 February 2013


So, I came across this new application today while I was browsing some photos on Instagram and there it was, Phewtick. The picture showed that people are able to convert meet-ups through scanning one another's qr codes into money. I was highly amazed by this but for some time, I wondered how the company actually benefitted from creating this application. Paying someone just to meet up? Wouldn't it be considered a loss than a gain?

Nevertheless, I still wanted to give it a try. So, I downloaded it. I haven't actually properly figured out how to use it and know who is using it but hopefully, I'll love it in time.

I've gotta make myself some money the easy way. Bravo to phewtick (having trouble spelling it).

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Back then...

I admire the fact that Brunei is a very small country. The picture you see on the left was taken in 2000. It's 2013 now. Looking back, I can still remember how immature I could be, having wild imaginations and also that care-free feeling. I miss that.

So, why do I admire the fact that Brunei is so small? Most of the students in this photo we separate during high school. There are only a few PTEs in BSB, four actually.

After finishing my GCE 'O' Level Exam, I was able to reunite with some of the students in this photo. I didn't actually realize that I've met them before, not until I came across this photo.

Years has gone by like summer, so fast, unable to realize how long it's actually been. I've been hoping that there would be some sort of official school reunion for everyone in a few years time. I really want to see how it's been for everyone.

I've to admit that I miss my high school friends.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

This is my wake up call.

The GCE 'A' Level results were just recently released and as expected, a disappointment. I knew I was going to fail, I was stubborn and naive to think that I would actually be able to just re-sit for the June exam without having to actually be disappointed about my results. I see all my friends proceeding to university and yet here I am, trying so hard to hold my head up high despite the disadvantage to my situation.

I searched for as much loop holes as I can but it seems like I had no choice but to re-sit for the exam. I was so dearly interested in pursuing my university year this year. I could not blame anyone else but myself. I knew I was capable to doing better but I let people get to me, telling me that I wasn't going to be able to pursue my dreams. My teachers who I depended on to keep me motivated, disappointed me.

How could I let myself go like that? I used to be a high achiever. I need to implement myself and grow a shield where I wouldn't be able to be touched by anyone or anything. I'd just go on ahead and chase my dreams. No more slacking off or procrastinating.

It's time that I realized that there are people who want you to fail but failing will only benefit them and not yourself.

This is my wake up call.

Friday 8 February 2013